Indie Music Review - Severine – Feel The Rain

“Severine is a musician for the sake of playing beautiful music for a sad and lonely world; all she asks in return is for us to hear her songs and take from them what we will to make our lives and interpersonal relationships better. She’s precisely the popstar that we need right now, and Feel The Rain is her official foray into primetime.”

Huffington Post - Exclusive Music Premiere: “Not Obsessed” – Shimmering Pop Rock From Severine

Huffington Post - Exclusive Music Premiere: “Not Obsessed” – Shimmering Pop Rock From Severine

"'Not Obsessed' exudes a smooth, scintillating dream pop/rock pop melody that’s electrifyingly contagious... Frankly, her voice gives me goosebumps... “Not Obsessed” is obsessively excellent!"

Vents Magazine - CD REVIEW: Feel the Rain by Severine

“It’s a thoroughly captivating album from beginning to end […] Right now there isn’t an artist recording or performing in the United States that can come close to matching her pointed lyrical skillset nor her dynamic versatility as a singer, which I believe will lead her to being a top-billed act a lot sooner than some might expect. She’s got the chops to go a long way in this business, and as far as I’m concerned she couldn’t have kicked off her career any better than with an album as focused and enjoyable as Feel the Rain.”

Cashbox Magazine - Severine Down the Rivers

“Down the Rivers” gives us a glimpse into her heart and ranks among the year’s best single releases”. [...] in popular music history where a good lyric is made even greater by the talents of a supremely gifted singer. “Down the Rivers” never tests listener’s patience and, instead, comes through as Severine’s heart speaking and reaching out to the world around her so that she might share its nearly fathomless depths. »

Indie Music Reviews - Severine – Down the Rivers

"When it comes to the music not only is Portishead an excellent point of reference but so are electronica-dabbling outfits such as Hooverphonic and Plumb. It’s truly not a crowded pack within which Severine is operating thus casting this single in a light of originality and freshness that’s not currently found on popular radio."

Skope Magazine - Severine - 'Down the Rivers'

"Severine’s “Down the Rivers” is a new peak for this blossoming young performer and songwriter whose American birth and European upbringing gives her a wholly unique flavor in the pop world today. Severine is a musician with massive talents... The elegance of this performance is as impossible to ignore as its passion."

Too Much Love - Severine - Down the Rivers

"... the absolute burning and apparent sincerity behind every line of her performance – Severine is a singer and songwriter who definitely puts every ounce of her emotion, skill, and experience into a song and the audience is justly rewarded for their time with a truly open-hearted display of cathartic musical talent."